The three started a hashtag #charicepempengcosextape on Wednesday, which according to them was a kind of joke. The hashtag has become a top Philippine trending topic in the microblogging site, Twitter. Soon after, the international sensation replied to Gumatay with, “@djmotwister you are… unbelievable.” Succeeding tweets of the singer says she thought Gumatay was nice and she hopes he gets a good lawyer, indirectly implying that she may file charges against the DJ.
In a statement, Magic 89.9 said the station “does not condone what happened this morning, May 9, 2012 on GoodTimes.” The three DJs involved will be suspended from boardwork for two weeks without pay as consequence of their actions.
The hashtag clearly disappointed and angered Charice, who posted a series of tweets expressing her feelings (Click Here for related article).
Meanwhile, the three DJs also posted series of apologetic tweets toward Charice and her fans.
Tin “Suzy” Gamboa tweeted:
Mia Bayuga also tweeted:“i would like to apologize to charice who has shown me NOTHING but kindness, & to u the listeners who have always been so loving & supportive” ;
“i am taking responsibility for everything that was said, but please know that there was ZERO malicious intent. ZERO. i am sincerely sorry”;
“it was horrible judgement on our part, and i would like to thank both those who have condemned it & those to have remained supportive”;
“i am sorry, and i will do everything humanly possible to not do anything like it again”; and “in behalf of the team -@djmotwister,@Mia899 & myself – sorry magic listeners, Charice, & her fans. you all deserved better from us.”
The controversial DJ Mo Twister, who clearly angered Charice the most, posted a long and series of tweets of apology:“We would like to apologize for those that were offended at the poor attempt of a joke during our program. The spirit in which it was intended was EXTREME exaggeration and not of fact. Little did we consider the feelings of the parties involved. We promise our best effort to not let it happen again and bring a different kind of entertainment via the program from now on. Sincerest apologies to @OfficialCharice, her family and her many loyal fans. IT was a sheer lapse of judgement in which I deeply regret”.
“I want to take the opportunity to apologize to Charice for a stupid & cruel joke on our show today. We attempted to be funny at her expense and, in the process, hurt her feelings. It’s with deep regret that we have come to learn that. On behalf of @suzy899 and @mia899, we apologize Charice for our stupid behavior and immature attempt to generate laughs. You have worked so very hard, not just for yourself and your family, but to put our country in a positive light, to promote immense Filipino talent, and you have done that successfully. We are proud of you and we are embarrassed because we failed to support that. I wish I could make it up to you and rest assured that we will exhaust every avenue to do so. We are sorry. You’ve been nothing but supportive of our show in the past. We failed to show our appreciation today. @OfficialCharice”.
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